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The JavaScript Class Handbook

The JavaScript Class Handbook – Complete Guide to Class Fields and the Super Keyword

Classes let you privatize your data while providing users indirect access to it. It is an excellent way to prevent direct access to your constructor's data. This handbook aims to show you exactly how classes work in JavaScript.

nth-child vs nth-of-type Selectors

nth-child() vs nth-of-type() Selectors in CSS – What's the Difference?

The nth-child and nth-of-type CSS selectors select items from a group of HTML elements. But they work in different ways. This article uses examples to show you exactly how the two selectors work in CSS.

Web Storage Explained

Web Storage Explained – How to Use localStorage and sessionStorage in JavaScript Projects

Web Storage is the JavaScript API browsers provide for storing data locally and securely within a user's browser. This article aims to show you exactly how the two storage objects work in JavaScript.

CSS Transition vs Animation Handbook

CSS Transition vs Animation Handbook – How to Animate Elements in CSS

CSS transitions and animations provide smooth, gradual ways to change an element's style. But they work in different ways. This handbook uses examples to explain the two animating techniques so that you can understand their similarities and differences.

CSS Transform Handbook

Complete Guide to CSS Transform Functions and Properties

CSS transform allows you to translate, rotate, skew, scale, or add perspective effects to HTML elements. This tutorial discusses everything you need to know to transform HTML elements like a pro.

CSS Grid Handbook

CSS Grid Handbook – Complete Guide to Grid Containers and Grid Items

CSS Grid gives you the tools to create basic and advanced website layouts in responsive ways that look great on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. This tutorial discusses everything you need to know to use CSS Grid like a pro.

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Educative Answers

What is a non-primitive data type?

Non-primitive data types are JavaScript objects used to bundle multiple items into a single value. In other words, objects allow us to store multiple items in a JavaScript variable—that accepts only a single element.

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Educative Answers

How to use async and await in JavaScript

An async keyword turns a regular function into an asynchronous function. An await keyword instructs a function to wait for a promise to be settled before continuing its execution.

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Educative Answers

What is a primitive data type?

Primitive data types are the basic values we use to build a webpage. A primitive value is neither a property nor a method. It is a basic value used in a property, method, variable, or function.

CSS Flexbox Article

CSS Flexbox Explained – Complete Guide to Flexible Containers and Flex Items

CSS Flexbox gives you the tools to create basic and advanced website layouts in flexible and responsive ways. This tutorial discusses everything you need to know to use Flexbox like a pro.

JavaScript Functions Tutorial

JavaScript Functions Tutorial – IIFE, Function Parameters, and Code Blocks Explained

Functions are one of the most widely-used features in programming. So, it helps to have a solid understanding of how they work. This tutorial discusses everything you need to know to use JavaScript functions like a pro.

Test-Driven Development Tutorial

Test-Driven Development Tutorial – How to Test Your JavaScript and ReactJS Applications

Understanding test-driven development is an essential part of being a prolific software developer. Testing provides a solid platform for building reliable programs. This tutorial will show you all you need to implement test-driven development in your JavaScript and React applications.

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Educative Answers

How to use an ES modules aggregator file

An aggregator file is a script we solely use to import and re-export the exported items of other modules. This article shows the required steps to create and use an aggregator file.

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Educative Answers

How to rename exports and imports in ES Modules

We use the "as" keyword to rename the code we import and export. You can rename multiple imports or exports by separating each "as" statement with a comma.

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Educative Answers

How to publish apps to NPM

NPM is a free registry for public package authors. We can use it to publish projects that have a package.json file. The article shows the steps required to share your package with the world!

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Educative Answers

How to use an ES module and webpack

ES module is a file that allows us to export its code. Webpack is a tool developers use to bundle an application's modules and dependencies into a single browser-compatible JavaScript file.

The JavaScript Modules Handbook

The JavaScript Modules Handbook – Complete Guide to ES Modules and Module Bundlers

Modules and Module Bundlers are essential components of modern web development. But understanding how they work can quickly become overwhelming. This handbook will show you all you need to know about ES Modules and Module Bundlers in plain English.

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Educative Answers

How to edit text on double-click in ReactJS

This article shows the steps required to edit the text of a page on double-click. To follow along, make sure you've installed Node 10.16 and NPM 5.6 on your system.

JavaScript Package Manager

JavaScript Package Manager – Complete Guide to NPM and Yarn

A package manager is a tool developers use to automate finding, downloading, installing, configuring, upgrading, and removing a system's packages. This article will show you all you need to get started with package managers like NPM and Yarn.

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Educative Answers

What is declaration vs. initialization vs. invocation?

Declaration declares the creation of variables and functions. Initialization assigns initial values to variables. Invocation executes a piece of code.

Temporal Dead Zone

Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) and Hoisting in JavaScript – Explained with Examples

Temporal Dead Zone and Hoisting are two essential terms in JavaScript. But understanding how they work can easily confuse you if you don't approach them properly. But don't fret! This article is here to help you get a good grasp of the two terms.

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Educative Answers

What is array and object destructuring in JavaScript?

Array destructuring extracts an array's value into new variables neatly. Object destructuring extracts an object's value into new variables neatly.

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Educative Answers

What are rest parameters and rest variables in JavaScript?

A JavaScript rest parameter comprises the rest operator and a regular parameter name. A JavaScript rest variable consists of the rest operator and a variable.

Array vs Object Destructuring

Array vs Object Destructuring in JavaScript – What's the Difference?

The destructuring assignment in JavaScript provides a neat and DRY way to extract values from your arrays and objects. This article aims to show you exactly how array and object destructuring assignments work in JavaScript.

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Educative Answers

What is a web address?

A web address or URL is a website's specific location. In other words, a URL is a text string that specifies the location of webpages, images, or videos on the internet.

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Educative Answers

What is DNS Hierarchy?

A DNS hierarchy is a system used to sort the parts of a domain according to their importance. This article uses "" to explain the DNS Hierarchy tree.

Rest vs Spread Operator

JavaScript Rest vs Spread Operator – What's the Difference?

JavaScript uses three dots (...) for both the rest and spread operators. But these two operators are not the same. The main difference between rest and spread is that the rest operator puts the rest of some specific user-supplied values into a JavaScript array

Lexical Scope

Lexical Scope in JavaScript – What Exactly Is Scope in JS?

The term "lexical scope" may seem tricky to grasp at first glance. But it's helpful to understand what each word means. So this article will explain lexical scope by first examining the meaning of "lexical" and "scope".

Pure vs Impure Functions

Pure vs Impure Functions in Functional Programming – What's the Difference?

Pure functions and impure functions are two programming terms you will often see in functional programming. One core difference between these two types of functions is whether or not they have side effects.

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Educative Answers

What is a CSS unit?

A CSS unit is the standard of measurement used in CSS to express the size of a specific element's property. This article uses examples to discuss the two types of CSS units.

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Educative Answers

Pure function vs. impure function

An impure function is a function that contains one or more side effects. A pure function is a function without any side effects.

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Educative Answers

What is a side effect?

Side effect occurs in a program when you use an external code in your function, which impacts the function's ability to perform its task.

SVG in wordpress article

SVG: How to Use Scalable Vector Graphics in WordPress

This article will show you all you need to upload and use SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) in WordPress. Best of all, you don't need to buy any plugins! You can get it all done for free.

Recursion article

Recursion: A Useful Look at How Recursive Functions Work

Recursion is the method by which a problem gets solved through iteration. This article will use an example to illustrate how a recursive function works.

Minimax Algorithm Guide

Minimax Algorithm Guide: How to Create an Unbeatable AI

Recently I wondered – how can I program the computer to be unbeatable in a tic-tac-toe game? Well, I thought I could easily get an answer to this question. But as I went back and forth from articles to videos to a series of coding meditations, I only succeeded in becoming more confused.

Git vs GitHub

Git vs GitHub – What is Version Control and How Does it Work?

Have you ever been confused by how Git and GitHub work? Don't fret — you are not alone. Git and GitHub can be tricky sometimes, but by the end of this post you will have a good grasp of the two.